With summer, comes longer days and warmer weather. For many people this time of year is the most motivating for staying active. However, with warmer temperatures comes some challenges. Here are the top five nutrition tips for running in the summer thanks to Nutritionist Tammy Mond.

Stay hydrated. On hot days it is important to increase your fluid intake, and even more so if you are going out for a run. It is important to consume enough water before a run, during a run and after a run. It is also essential to replace any electrolyte loss. Try drinking coconut water. It is high in potassium, which can help reduce dehydration. It is also delicious!

Limit alcohol. Although this time of year is quite festive, alcohol consumption can lead to an increased state of dehydration so it is important to limit your alcohol consumption the day before you plan to do a long run.
Slow down your core temperature while running. To do this, you need to precool your body before you run. My recommendation for trying to precool is to drink plenty of cold water.

Try to consume high water content foods before you go for a run. My two favourite high water content foods are cucumbers and blueberries.
Continue to consume high-carbohydrate foods. These foods are a runner’s best friend, no matter the weather. My top recommendations include, quinoa, pasta, potatoes and beans.

Plan your diet, stay hydrated and keep running!


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